Policies and Guidelines
Open Access Policy:
YourLawArticle is an open access e-journal that means all the content is available and accessible free of charge. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles in YourLawArticle. This is in accordance with the BOAI definition of open access.​
YourLawArticle © 2024 is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 ​​
Copyright Policy :
We accept only original manuscripts which have neither been submitted for publication nor published elsewhere in any form. The author should make sure that their manuscripts do not infringe the rights of others and do not contain any unlawful statements.
The copyright of the published manuscripts remains with the YourLawArticle.​
While we will put in reasonable efforts to make sure that no plagiarized content shall be published by us but in case if it is found that the author has not published their original work, but has rather plagiarized or violated the rights of a third party, then the author shall have the sole liability arising out of that dispute and not the YourLawArticle.​
Publication Ethics and Policy :
YourLawArticle is a bimonthly journal and it publishes 6 issues in a year with the peer review process ( Anonymous peer review= Senior Editor+Senior Editor) . The Journal notifies the authors through the different posts and platforms about the Call for Papers so that the interested candidates can send their submissions.
Once the paper is submitted by the author(s) for the publication/review process, the submission(s) can only be withdrawn by the prior information to the Editorial Board via email with the immediate effect. So that the submissions can be ignored for the publication/review process.
Once a manuscript has been published it cannot be removed or withdrawn.The Reviewers can ask the author for the alteration or revision of the manuscript to make it eligible for publication in our Journal. The author is bound to follow the guidelines of the reviewers for successful publication.
In case any query arises, feel free to write us at yourlawarticle@gmail.com​​
Paper Guidelines :
Publication Process : ​Submit Manuscript < Plagiarism Check< Grammar Check< manuscript acceptance/rejection< peer review<review by 1-2 editors < MANUSCRIPT REVIEW + PROCESSING FEE < MANUSCRIPT PUBLISHED < Certificate Issued