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YourLawArticle Journal - Submission and Publication Guidelines

Publication Process:

  1. Submit Manuscript

  2. Plagiarism Check: We use Turnitin for checking plagiarism. Manuscripts with more than 10% plagiarism will be rejected.

  3. Grammar Check

  4. Manuscript Acceptance/Rejection

  5. Peer Review ( Anonymous peer review= Senior Editor+Senior Editor)

  6. Review by 1-2 Editors

  7. Manuscript Review + Processing Fee: This fee is applicable only if your manuscript is accepted for publication.

  8. Manuscript Published

  9. Certificate Issued

Important Notes:

  • If plagiarism exceeds 10%, the manuscript will be rejected.

  • Reviewing fees apply only to accepted manuscripts.

  • If the manuscript is rejected at any stage, it will not be reconsidered for further review or publication.

  • The entire publication process may take 15-30 working days.

  • The reviewing fee covers editor compensation, website maintenance, and premium software expenses.

  • Fees are non-refundable, whether the paper is withdrawn by the author or not submitted within the given timeframe, or under any other circumstances.

  • Voluntary withdrawal is not allowed upon submission.

  • Copyright of the work remains with the author . He/She would be solely responsible for any dispute arising out of my/our manuscript including copyright, defamation, objectionable content or contempt and agree to suffer the loss, if any, caused by violating copyright or any other rights

Manuscript Reviewing Fees:

  • Indian Authors:

    • ₹900 (1-2 Authors)

    • ₹1100 (3 Authors)

  • International Authors: [Please Contact for Details]

Paper Submission Guidelines

Word Limit for Submissions:

  1. Case Comments: Critique recent or landmark judicial pronouncements, legislation, or pending bills. (Word Limit: 1,500-2,500 words)

  2. Short Articles: Provide a fresh outlook to legal issues. (Word Limit: 2,000-3,999 words)

  3. Long Articles: Offer a comprehensive analysis of legal issues. (Word Limit: 4,000-10,000 words)

  4. Book Reviews: Concise reviews of legal literature. (Word Limit: 1,000-2,000 words)

Note: Word limits exclude footnotes. Exceptions may be granted based on the depth and quality of research.

Submission Guidelines:

  1. Email Subject: Format as "Article Submission (Vol. 1 Issue 1 )." Adjust for the correct submission type (e.g., Case Comment, Book Review, Short/Long Article).

  2. Abstract: Include an abstract of 150-300 words with 3-7 keywords.

  3. Formatting:

    • Main text: Times New Roman, 12 pt., line spacing 1.5.

    • Footnotes: Times New Roman, 10 pt., line spacing 1.0.

  4. Citation Style: Follow 20th Bluebook edn. citation method.

  5. Journal allows all versions to be deposited in an institutional or other repository of the author’s choice without embargo.


  • Submissions are accepted from students pursuing Bachelors or Masters in Law and other legal scholars.

Submission Requirements:

  • Submit your manuscript to [] along with the following details:

    • Name, Email, Institution, Course, Contact Number, and Academic Year.

  • Co-authorship: Allowed up to a maximum of three authors.

  • Originality Declaration: All submissions must be original and accompanied by a declaration of originality. Submissions must not be under consideration for publication in any other journal.

  • Plagiarism Policy: Plagiarism up to 10% is allowed.

  • Editorial Rights: The editors reserve the right to edit or remove any content deemed offensive, defamatory, unethical, or suggestive of illegal activities.

How to Submit:

Ensure your manuscript follows the above guidelines and send your submission to].

​Udyam No. : UDYAM-UP-50-0117422

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